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A Dozen Tools to Foster Growth Mindset and Prevent Learned Helplessness

To cite this article: Kagan, S. A Dozen Tools to Foster Growth Mindset and Prevent Learned Helplessness. Kagan Online Magazine, Issue #57. San Clemente, CA: Kagan Publishing.

Why do some students persist in the face of setbacks and excel in school, while others give up easily, disengage, and suffer academically? There are two theories that explain the difference between your high achievers and your at-risk students even more than does the difference in their intellectual abilities. The theories are Growth Mindset and Learned Helplessness. Growth Mindset and Learned Helplessness predict who will be resilient and who will give up. Understanding and applying these two theories allows us to foster growth mindset and to prevent learned helplessness. Every teacher can increase student growth and achievement by becoming well versed in these two theories and

how to apply them.

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